How old is marcia gay harden

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The close family would stage plays on their front porch and, since their mother taught flower arranging, the children spent their spare time doing crafts and hiking as well as play-acting. Marcia has three sisters and a brothers who were raised very strictly by their military father and homemaker mother. Since her father was a captain in the US Navy, the Hardens moved often.

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In 1993, she earned a Theatre World Award for her starring role in the Pulitzer Prize winning play 'Angels in America.' Harden made her film debut in 1990 in 'Miller's Crossing.' Since then she has had a number of roles, usually playing complex women.

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Photo: gdcgraphics at, license cc-by-2.0 BiographyĪmerican actress who won an Academy Award in 2001 for Best Supporting Actress in 'Pollock.'

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